All reading and problem sets are in our textbook: University Physics Volume 1 from OpenStax, ISBN 1938168275,
Week 1
Lecture 1-1: Course overview and units. Reading: OpenStax 1.1-1.7
Lecture 1-2: Kinematics. Reading 3.1-3.4
No problem set week 1. Please complete the pre-assessment on blackboard instead.
Week 2
Lecture 2-1: More motion and vectors. Reading: OpenStax 3.5, 2.1-2.2
Lecture 2-2: Vectors. Reading 2.1-2.3
Problem set week 2. | Solutions.
Week 3
Lecture 3-1: Projectile Motion. Reading: OpenStax 4.1-4.3
Lecture 3-2: Circular Motion. Reading 4.4
Problem set week 3. | Solutions.
Week 4
Lecture 4-1: Relative motion. Guest Lecture by Dr. Roy. Reading: OpenStax 4.5
Lecture 4-2: Forces. Reading 5.1-5.3
Problem set week 4. | Solutions.
Week 5
Class 5-1: Midterm I
Formula sheet for the exam
Practice midterm
Practice midterm solutions
Lecture 5-2: Forces, weight. Guest Lecture by Dr. Sanematsu. Reading 5.4-5.5
No problem set due for Week 5.
Week 6
Lecture 6-1: Friction and drag. Reading 6.2, 6.4
Lecture 6-2: Newton’s 3rd Law. Guest Lecture by Dr. Parker. Reading 5.5, 6.1
Problem set week 6: Volume 3 Chapter 5: 26, 32, 33
Volume 1. Chapter 5: 20, 70, 80, 88, 100, 106, Chapter 6: 37, 42, 43, 44
Week 7
Lecture 7-1: Newton’s laws in 2D. Reading 6.1, 6.3
Lecture 7-2: Momentum and collisions. Reading 9.1-9.4
Problem set week 7: Volume 1, Chapter 6: 48, 53, 54, 64, 67, 72, 108, 113, 115, 124
Chapter 9: 25 and 27
Week 8
Lecture 8-1: Work and kinetic energy. Reading 7.1-7.3
Lecture 8-2: Potential Energy. Reading 8.1-8.5
HW Week 8: OpenStax Chapter 9: 30,36,43,48,51,55,105. Chapter 7: 28, 29, 48, 58, 64
Week 9
Lecture 9-1: Power. Reading 7.4. Also, discussion on pseudoscience
Videos for discussion:
(Warning, this one has R-rated language and content —
Class 9-2: Midterm 2
Formula sheet for the exam
Practice Midterm 2 | Solutions to practice midterm 2
No problem set for week 9. Please study for the midterm.
Week 10
Lecture 10-1: Rotation. Chapter 10.1-10.3
Lecture 10-2: Extended Objects. Chapter 9.6, 10.4-10.5
Problem set week 10. | Solutions.
Week 11
Lecture 11-1: Torque. Chapter 10.6-10.8
Lecture 11-2: Angular momentum. Chapter 11.1-11.3
Problem set week 11. | Solutions.
Week 12
Lecture 12-1: Angular momentum, rolling, equilibrium and statics, Chapter 12.1-12.2
Lecture 12-2: Newtonian gravity, Chapter 13.1-13.5
Problem set week 12. | Solutions.
Week 13
Lecture 13-1: In-class discussion
Class 13-2: Our lecture will be as a flipped classroom, with 5 videos to watch and work through, with links below. I will be available on blackboard collaborate and in 208 from 11am-12:20pm on Thursday, Nov 21 to answer questions and help you work through problems. Reading: Oscillations. Chapter 15.1-15.6
Gravity 1
Gravity 2
Gravity 3
How to solve gravity problems and examples
Oscillator 1
Week 14: No classes, thanksgiving break
Week 15
Lecture 15-1: Midterm 3, Tuesday Dec 3. Covers Lecture 8-1 through 12-1. (Potential Energy through rolling without slipping)
Practice Midterm 3 | Solutions.
Class 15-2: Waves, Chapters 16.1-16.6 and Sound, Chapters 17.1-17.8
Problem set week 15. This problem set is OPTIONAL, which means that it will not be graded, but it does contain content that you will be responsible for on the final exam.
| Solutions.
Final exam. Thursday, Dec 12 3-5pm