MSI-PWI workshop held at UC-Irvine

More than 30 educators from across the United States attended the inaugural “Building Authentic Partnerships” workshop on June 25-26, 2018. This workshop, held at UC-Irvine and sponsored by grants from the Research Corporation for Science Advancement and NSF, was designed to inspire new and creative partnerships between minority-serving institutions and primarily white institutions. Organizers are currently reviewing applications for $20,000 in seed funding to support such partnerships. More information about the workshop is available here.

MSI/PWI Workshop to be held June 25-26

Lisa Manning, in collaboration with an organizing team of other Cottrell Scholars, will chair a 2-day workshop at UC-Irvine on June 25-26 called “Building Authentic Partnerships: Minority Serving Institutions and Primarily White Institutions Working Together to Improve Research and Education.” The objective of the workshop is to develop strategies and policies to help minority serving institutions (MSI) and primarily white institutions (PWI) develop authentic, sustainable partnerships that are mutually beneficial for faculty and students. Visit the workshop webpage for more information, including a full schedule and a list of speakers and facilitators. This workshop is funded by a grant from the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement.

Article by Sussman, Schwarz, Marchetti, and Manning an Editors’ Suggestion at PRL

An article by Daniel Sussman, Jen Schwarz, Cristina Marchetti, and Lisa manning, “Soft yet Sharp Interfaces in a Vertex Model of Confluent Tissue,” was published in Physical Review Letters and selected as an Editors’ Suggestion. The paper discusses how topological features of simple models of confluent cells can lead to unusual interfacial behavior. Read and download the article from the PRL website, and see also a brief synopsis in Physics.