Category: News
Lisa Manning receives 2018 APS Maria Goeppert Mayer Award
October 23, 2017 Lisa Manning has received the 2018 Maria Goeppert Mayer Award from the American Physical Society (APS) for her use of computational and analytical tools to develop microscopic understanding of flow in disordered materials, ranging from metallic glasses to biological tissues. This prestigious national award is given to one woman physicist each year…
Lisa Manning gives public lecture on the physics of cancer for Orange Central 2017
October 6, 2017 As part of Syracuse University’s “Orange Central” homecoming program, Lisa Manning gave a public lecture on how physics can describe whether cancer cells behave like solids or like fluids, including how the relationship between a cell’s perimeter and its area can predict whether it will remain stationary or migrate. Read more at…
Lisa Manning receives Cottrell Award to increase minority participation in STEM fields
September 2017 Lisa Manning is the PI on a $25,000 Cottrell Scholar Collaborative Award from the Research Corporation for Scientific Advancement to fund ongoing two-way partnerships between minority-serving institutions (MSI) and primarily white institutions (PWI). This project will begin with a two-day workshop hosted at the University of California-Irvine in June 2018. The ultimate goal…
Leo Sutter completes Syracuse Biomaterials Institute REU program
August 2017 Leo Sutter, an undergraduate physics major from the Rochester Institute of Technology, successfully completed a 10-week Syracuse Biomaterials Institute Research Experience for Undergraduates in the Manning group. Under the direction of postdoctoral associate Matthias Merkel, Leo studied the mechanical behavior of anisotropic confluent tissues. Working at RIT with Dr. Moumita Das, he has…
Article by Wijtmans and Manning featured on the cover of Soft Matter
July 2017 An article by Sven Wijtmans and Lisa Manning, titled “Disentangling sound modes and defects in disordered solids,” was selected for the cover for the 34th issue of Soft Matter, published July 27, 2017. This article discusses a new method to isolate localized defects from extended vibrational modes in disordered solids. Read and download…
Manning Group members launch Women in Physics group and mentoring program
April 2017 Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan, Preeti Sahu, and Lisa Manning have organized and launched the Women in Physics (WiP) group with the focus of encouraging women to enter the field of physics, and providing female graduate and undergraduate students a support system through professional and social activities. This group is funded by the SU Physics Department,…
Dr. Sven Wijtmans successfully defends PhD thesis
January 2017 Congratulations to Dr. Sven Wijtmans for successfully defending his PhD thesis. Dr. Wijtmans’ thesis, “Defects and Rearrangements in Disordered Solids,” investigates the properties of disordered materials—glasses, polymers, granular matter, dense colloids, and gels–while under strain, and is available via SURFACE.
New “Science Minute” video from the MoST features Michael Czajkowski
The Syracuse Museum of Science and Technology (the MoST) produces a “science minute” video every couple months describing a connection between science and our daily lives. This month’s video features Michael Czajkowski explaining a bit about the physics of bottle flipping. You can watch the video here:
Matthias Merkel awarded GSNP postdoctoral speaker award
Postdoctoral associate Matthias Merkel was awarded the postdoctoral speaker award by the APS Group for Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (GSNP). He presented his work on a rigidity transition in three-dimensional confluent tissues in a dedicated award session at the APS March Meeting in New Orelans.
Merkel selected as finalist for GSNP speaker award
Congratulations to postdoctoral associate Matthias Merkel, who was selected as a finalist for the APS Group for Nonlinear and Statistical Physics (GSNP) postdoctoral speaker award. He is one of five finalists who will be giving a talk in the special award session at the APS March meeting in New Orleans.