Manning research group: BlackLivesMatter

As a research lab, we have taken time away from work for #shutdownSTEM and Juneteenth reflect on how we can actively promote anti-racism. We must start by acknowledging that BlackLivesMatter and that systemic racism negatively impacts people of color in many ways, including raising significant barriers that impede them as they perform scientific research and progress in academia.  We love doing science, and all people deserve that thrill of discovery. How many great scientists are we missing because systemic racism blocked them from that path?Moreover, research demonstrates that science and engineering are better when science is more diverse: . And there are plenty of examples of times when science and technology has failed us because the scientists/designers were not diverse: .Given this, we must take active steps to make our research group and society more inclusive, and very specific more inclusive of Black and Brown students and scientists. Small steps include expanding our work on partnerships between Minority Serving Institutions and Primarily White Institutions, contributing to the Physics Department’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, and advocating for changes to GRE and other departmental testing requirements. We can ensure that the speakers we invite to give seminars are diverse, and we can participate in mentoring and outreach programs.  We can engage in public policy debates as private citizens. This is a process, so we are still engaged in thinking about changes we can make to improve. Please stay tuned.