Category: News

  • Manning group featured in NSF discoveries

    A nice article (with a strange titles) about our group’s research was recently highlighted on the NSF “Discoveries” page:

  • Manning group wins SCIALOG award

    SU news article on the award: As we grow from a fertilized egg into a human being, our cells push and pull on one another, shaping our tissues, our organs, our bones, and our bodies. Unfortunately we don’t know much about how these microscopic forces, both within and between cells, allow large multi-cellular structures…

  • New member for Manning group

    Emilie Oakes is joining our group over the summer as part of the SBI REU program!

  • New postdoctoral position available

    There is at least one and possibly two postdoctoral positions available in the Manning group beginning in Fall 2015 or Winter 2016.  Please email Lisa or see advertisement on the Welcome page for more info.

  • Congratulations, Giuseppe!

    Giuseppe Passucci passed his oral research exam, setting the stage for him completing his Ph. D. in physics.  Congratulations, Giuseppe!

  • Associate Professor Manning

    The Syracuse University Board of Trustees has approved the Provost’s decision that Lisa Manning be granted tenure and promoted to the rank of Associate Professor.

  • Manning named a 2015 Cottrell Scholar

    Manning’s proposed work, “Using Single-Cell Mechanical Properties to Predict Pattern Formation and Mechanical Response in Biological Tissues” will be funded over three years. Cottrell Scholar Awards (15 awarded annually in the sciences throughout the country) recognize early career faculty with exceptional potential in both research and academic leadership:

  • Paper published as a cover article in Soft Matter!

    Our paper on extracting force chains in granular materials using methods from network theory has just been published as an advance article in Soft Matter.  An image from our work will also appear on the front cover! Danielle S. Bassett, Eli T. Owens, Mason A. Porter, M. Lisa Manning, Karen E. Daniels. “Practical Methods for…

  • Paper on random matrices and the boson peak accepted into EPL

    Link to manuscript: M. L. Manning and A. J. Liu, “A random matrix definition of the boson peak,” accepted to Europhysics Letters, arXiv:1307.5904 (2015) An old theory by Debye predicts that the number of sound modes in a crystal increases as the frequency of the sound mode to the power (d-1), where d is the…

  • Invited talks from the Manning group

    Giuseppe Passucci is giving an invited soundbite at the NY Complex Matter workshop. Max Dapeng Bi will be giving an invited talk at the APS March Meeting in San Antonio in a symposium entitled “Mechanical interactions and pattern formation in multicellular systems” on 3/6/15 starting at 11:15am. Lisa Manning will be giving an invited talk…