Category: News
Manning group welcomes Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan
Welcome to new postdoctoral associate Dr. Gonca Erdemci-Tandogan, who joins us from UC Riverside!
Manning group welcomes Daniel Sussman
Dr. Daniel Sussman, an expert on polymers, kiragami, and other aspects of soft matter physics has arrived at Syracuse University as a joint postdoc between the Marchetti, Schwarz, and Manning groups. He will be studying the mechanical properties of biological tissues, among other things. Welcome Daniel!
Congratulations to Preeti Sahu
Congratulations to group member Preeti Sahu, who just passed her qualifying exam!
Manning group welcomes Peter Morse
Postdoctoral associate Peter Morse joined the Manning group this August, as part of the Simons Collaboration for Cracking the glass problem. Welcome Peter!
Manning group featured in Quanta article on physics of cancer
“We made what I would consider a ridiculously strict prediction: When that number is equal to 3.81 or below, the tissue is a solid, and when that number is above 3.81, that tissue is a fluid,” Manning said. “I asked Jeff Fredberg to go look at this, and he did, and it worked perfectly.” Fredberg…
Manning, Marchetti and Schwarz awarded cancer grant
Manning, Marchetti and Schwarz were recently awarded a grant from the NSF to study the mechanical behavior of cancer tumors. More information can be found here:
Manning named to Editorial Board of Physical Review Applied
Manning has accepted an invitation to serve on the Editorial Board of Physical Review Applied:
Manning named a Simons Investigator in the Mathematical Modeling of Living Systems
Manning is one of 4 scientists from the US, Canada, and the UK selected as a 2016 Simons Investigator in MMLS. “The intent of the Investigator in MMLS program is to help launch the research careers of outstanding junior scientists. Nominees to the program will normally be in the first few years of their first…
Simons Foundation awards $10M grant to “Cracking the Glass” collaboration
The Manning group is a member of the “Cracking the Glass” collaboration that just received a grant from the Simons Foundation Mathematics and the Physical Sciences (MPS) division to study the glassy state of matter. The collaboration website is here: A news story about the collaboration:
Undergraduate Kassidy Lundy wins statewide poster competition!
Kassidy Lundy, who is an undergraduate biophysics major and Manning group researcher, won 1st place for her poster presentation titled, “Exploring Kupffer’s Vesicle Through Self Propelled Particle Simulations.” The poster competition was part of the 24th Annual CSTEP Statewide Student Conference, held on April 9th at the Sagamore Resort at Lake George, and her poster…