Author: Julia Giannini
Julia attends 2022 Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
This July, graduate student Julia Giannini attended the 2022 Boulder summer school for condensed matter and materials physics, ‘Hydrodynamics cross scales.’ Our poster, entitled ‘Defects and deformation in disordered solids with pressure gradients,’ made it to the top of Flagstaff mountain!
Julia Giannini and Ethan Stanifer Awarded BioInspired Institute Poster Session Prizes
The BioInspired Institute held it’s kickoff event on October 11, featuring PI pitch talks, a brainstorming session, and a poster session for students and postdocs. At the poster session Julia and Ethan were awarded prizes for the presentation of their respective work entitled “Predicting crowd dynamics using local structure” and “Structural evolution of amorphous systems…
Julia Giannini Receives Honorable Mention for NSF GRFP
Julia was accorded an Honorable Mention in the 2019 National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GFRP) competition. Her application discussed novel models for the physics of living systems. See the SU News Article: Students Earn 2019 National Science Foundation Awards.