Updates for the week of Dec 2

Hi all,
I hope you had a restful and nice Thanksgiving break.  Here’s some updates for this week:

  • midterm 3: Tuesday, Dec 3 in class. This exam can only help you grade, not hurt it, as I drop the lowest midterm grade per the syllabus description.
  • Problem Set 15 is posted. It is an optional assignment, which means it will not be graded, though solutions will be posted. You should still work through it, as you will be responsible for the content on the final exam
  • The final exam is Thursday, Dec 12 from 3-5pm in Physics 208, as has been scheduled since the beginning of the semester. I will have office hours on W, Dec 11 from 9-10am and 3:30-4:30pm to help you study.

See you soon!


Hi all, I posted a bunch of stuff:

  1. Practice midterm 3 + solutions
  2. Solutions to midterms 1 & 2
  3. Links to online videos of our lecture for Nov 21. You can watch the lectures and do the small group work from wherever you want.

All this stuff is on the “lectures and HW” tab.

Office hours for Oct 2

Hi all,

Due to travel constraints this week, my office hours on Oct 2 will be 11am-noon in Physics 229B, as highlighted on the course google calendar. As usual, you can always email to set up an appointment for office hours with me.  This is my last trip for the semester, so thanks for your patience.

-Prof. Manning

Office hours and calendar

Hi folks,
Office hours for this class will be Wednesdays 9-10am and 3:30-4:30, or by appointment. They will be held in my office, Physics 229B.  Please attend them if you have any questions about the course or the work!

Also, the calendar for the course has been posted under the schedule tab. It includes the dates for the midterms and final exam.
