Frequently Asked Questions

  •, hours and hiring
  • How many credits can I take this course for?

    Phys 600 - Graduate Teaching Assistants -- 1 credit only
    Phys 399 - Undergraduate Learning Assistants -- 1-3 credits.
    For undergraduates, the number of credit hours will correspond to the number of recitations sections (1 recitation section = 2 meetings per week) for which you wish to receive course credit.
    1 course credit -- no course credit for recitations
    2 course credits -- course credit for one recitation section
    3 course credits -- course credit for two recitation sections.

    All enrolled students must attend the weekly course discussion on Mondays at 12:30pm, and graduate students must attend a workshop Wednesdays at 12:30 pm in addition.

    You MUST concurrently be working as a learning assistant/peer coach/teaching assistant in a recitation for a physics course.

  • I am a graduate student who wants to take this course, but I have a 9 credit-hour cap and I've used up all my credits. Can I still take the course?


    Please send Patty Whitmore ( an email with the following information:

    SU ID:
    Are you a TA, fellow, or RA?

    You must also include the following sentence: "Please reallocate my tuition for the 2015-2016 academic year from (Fall:9, Spring:9, Summer:6) to (Fall:10, Spring:9, Summer 5) credits, so that I can enroll in an additional 1 credit 600-level PHYS course in the fall."

    This must be done by Wed, September 2, 2015.

  • Can I take this course if I'm not planning to be a peer coach/learning assistant or teaching assistant in Fall 2015?

    No. You MUST concurrently be working as a learning assistant/peer coach/teaching assistant in a recitation for a physics course.

  • Can I take this course and get paid to be a peer coach?

    Yes. Most peer coaches are required by the course instructor to attend a weekly organizational meeting about course content.  This is not part of the Practicum course and your time will be compensated  at the standard department rate.  In addition, you can choose to ask the physics department to hire you as a peer coach (and get paid as such) for any recitations that you elect not to include as part of your Practicum course credit. (Note that you will be implementing and reporting on specific teaching strategies in recitations that you elect to include as part of the course credit.) See question about course credit for additional details.

  • Can I be a peer coach if I don't take this course?

    Yes, you are still eligible to be a peer coach if you do not take the course, although taking the course may better prepare you for the job.

  • Do I have to already be signed up to be a peer coach in Fall 2015 to take this course?

    No, you do not already have to be signed up as a peer coach to enroll in this course. In fact, most physics courses do not enroll coaches until the beginning of the Fall semester. If you enroll in this course, you must intend to be a peer coach in the Fall; if you are accepted into the course the instructor will work to help you find a placement in a recitation section.

  • 2.course structure
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