No written report required for the end-of-semester project. You will print your poster for discussion in week 14 (Nov 30th), and also email Prof. Manning a pdf copy of the poster for evaluation. The grading rubrics for the online templates and the posters are available here (Option A) and here (Option B). In addition to being graded for content, the poster will also be graded for appearance.
Author Archives: mmanning
Late assignment policy
For all future deadlines for assignments in this class, I will give 50% credit until Wednesday after the assignment is due, and then 0% thereafter. I will also announce this policy in class. Thank you.
Part I of semester-long project postponed
Part 1 of the semester long project will now be due at the beginning of week 4 instead of the beginning of week 3. See updated assignment schedule.
Office hours announced
Prof. Manning will be hosting office hours 3-4pm Mondays, 3-4pm Tuesdays, and by email appointment.