2016 APS Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics

Syracuse University
Jan 15-Jan 17,  2016.


Links to online application is now available.

Students should apply through the link above, and select Syracuse University if they are in the orange region on the map below (Maine, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Vermont, New York) OR they have a specific reason for wanting to attend the Syracuse conference (such as its focus on intersectionality).  See the Program page for specific details on the schedule and workshops.

2016 CUWiP site map

Participants will be able to:

  • Meet and network with women in physics at all levels including other undergrads, graduate students, postdocs, professors and women in industry
  • Learn more about career opportunities for physics majors in industry and academia
  • Present their own research through talks and/or posters
  • Learn about “intersectionality” and how being a woman in physics can include other identities like race, sexual orientation, dis/ability status, etc.
  • Hear about cutting-edge research in many areas of physics including condensed matter, high energy, gravitational wave physics and more
  • Tour our physics research labs and talk to students currently doing research there

Help us advertise with this flyer!

Additional CUWiP sites:

APS CUWiP site


Questions? Email sucuwip@syr.edu.


These conferences are supported in part by the National Science Foundation (PHY-1346627) and by the Department of Energy Office of Science (DE-SC0011076).  Further details are available on the APS conference website.
aps75National Science Foundation

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